• This project was contemplated as the twelfth Funarte Marc Ferrez Photography Prize 2012

    Notícias e Documentos

    Museum System of the Federal District


    The (SIM / DF) Museum System of the Federal District was established by Decree No. 12.396, of 05.31.1990, and its composition and duties been reformulated by Decree No. 33,975 of October 23, 2012. Today, it is considered an advisory body linked to the Secretary of State for Culture, whose mission is to “contribute to the development of the museum sector, through joint industry and related fields, and the proposition, analysis, monitoring and validation plans and projects in line with the National Museums Policy (PNM) and Sector National Plan for Museums (PNSM), in compliance with the legislation in force. “May select YES / DF, museums and cultural centers based in the Federal District, as well as universities offering course in Museum Studies or similar. The SIM / DF is managed by a Committee, which includes representatives elected to the federal and district, university, private and community / public museums eco-museums, as well as representatives indicated several Secretaries of State. Currently, members of the Steering Committee of the SIM / DF: ◦ Rachid Claudia Machado – Coordinator of the Steering Committee of the SIM / DF. ◦ Lilian White – representative of the Secretariat of the Historical, Cultural and Artistic Heritage of the DF. ◦ Ana Frade – representative of District Public Museums. ◦ Alan Silva – representative of the Federal Public Museums. ◦ Maria Julia E. Chelini – representative of University Museums. ◦ Roberto Castello / Museum of documentary photography – representative of Private Museums. ◦ Lia Samara – representative of the Community and Ecomuseums Museums. ◦ Paulo Oliveira – representative of the State Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation. ◦ Peace Jeferson – representative of the State Department of Education. ◦ Meyre France – representative of the State Department of Tourism.