• This project was contemplated as the twelfth Funarte Marc Ferrez Photography Prize 2012


    Meet our Collection

    The first documentary collection that brings the public MFD refers to March to the West. Founded on the territorial expansion of Brazil toward the Midwest and Southern Amazon, it is a collection of 299 photographs taken in public and private archives located in Brasilia, Federal District and the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Tocantins , Pará, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Amapá, a quest that has consumed 8000 km, the organization of an important and decisive for the understanding of Brazil and Central part of the Southern Amazon.

    This is a watershed collection of documentary photography in the twentieth century and intended to be an informational source, generating and inspiring the preservation of documentary photography in Brazil. The photos are as numerous authors anonymous photographers and lovers of photography, imbued with an important legacy to leave to future generations.

    Never before published photos of this set brings social and economic presence of the adventure center in western Brazil in the twentieth century. and need additional information contact

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