• This project was contemplated as the twelfth Funarte Marc Ferrez Photography Prize 2012

    Photographers invited - Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro

    Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro (Lisbon, Portugal, April 4, 1979) is a Portuguese photojournalist. He has lived in Portugal for 30 years, but currently resides in Macau, China.
    His closest family does not have an artistic tradition, so it is justified that at the age of 18 he has taken real knowledge with the world of photography. He knows many Portuguese photographers from the most diverse areas and with them he learns and continues to learn.
    After four years of studying Geological Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon, he comes to the conclusion that this is not what he wants to do and goes to the course of Communication Sciences, Journalism variant, at the Autonomous University of Lisbon, Which ends in 2005. Since 1999 he has been writing and poetry